2/5: Update on Travel Entry Restrictions Related to 2019 Novel Coronavirus

USC Community

Sarah Van Orman, Chief Health Officer for USC Student Health

February 5, 2020

Update on Travel Entry Restrictions related to 2019 Novel Coronavirus (No Cases at USC)

Federal and local health agencies have expanded precautionary measures to reduce the risk transmission of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the U.S. The university stands ready to support our faculty, staff, and students who are affected by these new entry restrictions. As of 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 2, 2020, travelers from China are being evaluated by local public health authorities upon arrival to the U.S. and may be subject to a variety of movement restrictions and monitoring requirements based on their level of risk.

• USC students affected by these new restrictions should contact USC Campus Support and Intervention at 213-740-0411, or email uscsupport@usc.edu for assistance with any support accommodations, including class accommodation and household contact accommodations.
• Faculty and staff affected by these new restrictions should contact their department chair/immediate supervisor to make arrangements. Chairs and supervisors will coordinate leave and workplace coverage arrangements with Human Resources.

While these restrictions do not apply retroactively to people who are already in the United States, USC students, faculty and staff who have returned from affected areas should carefully self-monitor for any fever or respiratory symptoms for 14 days (counting day 1 as the departure date from China). If any symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing) appear during this time, students should call USC Student Health immediately, 213-740-9355 (WELL) and make arrangements to be seen by a medical provider. Employees should contact their health care provider.

Health professions: Different requirements may be in place for health profession students and employees; check with the facility you report to for instructions. Keck Medicine of USC has provided these instructions.

All members of the USC community should practice good respiratory hygiene including frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, and staying home while you are sick.

As a reminder, no cases of novel coronavirus have affected the USC community and the risk of contracting this illness remains low in California. At this time, there are six confirmed cases in the state, two in southern California and four in northern California. In the confirmed cases of person-to-person transmission in the U.S., the transmission was between spouses.

This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and public health authorities are providing updated information as it becomes available, in addition to updated guidance. We will continue to share this information and advise our community with current research-based recommendations as they become available.

Through this developing issue, we are a community that supports and respects one another, is guided by research and evidence-based practices, and expresses kindness and compassion for all who are affected by this global event. As an institution of learning, we will work together through these difficult developments to demonstrate our commitment to improving the lives of all in our community and throughout the world.

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