2/13: Spring Semester Travel Plans

USC Students

Winston Crisp, Vice President for Student Affairs
Anthony Bailey, Vice President for Strategic and Global Initiatives

February 13, 2020

Spring semester travel plans

We are writing to advise the student community on international travel plans in light of the global health concerns over the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). The university’s earlier message of February 5, 2020 outlined the U.S. travel restrictions for U.S. citizens and foreign nationals, which is still currently in effect.

As spring break approaches, students are advised to keep in mind the CDC’s Level 3 travel warning to China, and as the Novel Coronavirus situation remains fluid, additional countries may adopt restrictions with very little lead time. CDC country information can be accessed on the CDC website for travelers.

USC students are encouraged to closely evaluate non-essential travel throughout the Asia region during the Spring semester. If you are currently making plans for international travel, consider the following in making your decision:

  • purchase travel insurance in case of a disruption to your plans;
  • consider the possibility that countries you are visiting may decide to implement restrictions while you are outside the U.S.; the potential cancellation of flights; and the possibility of additional quarantine measures or restricted re-entry into the United States.

USC students who are Chinese nationals are advised to contact the Office of International Services to discuss plans in advance of any international travel at 213-740-2666 or ois@usc.edu. If you are feeling worried or concerned for family back home, we encourage you to contact Counseling and Mental Health Services in USC Student Health at 213-740-9355. We are here for you.

Residence and dining halls will continue to be fully operational during spring break, and additional activities will be offered to students staying on or near campus during that week. Your safety, well-being, and ability to continue your regular campus activities remain a high priority to the entire leadership of USC.

cc:  President’s Office
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