3/25: Letter to USC Housing Residents

March 25, 2020

To Our Residents Still in University Housing,

In these difficult times, I continue to be grateful for the patience, strength, understanding and cooperation you have shown as the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly changes our lives. Most recently, I am particularly appreciative for your quick response to our housing survey. It is critical that we know where you are and how you are doing so we may secure the right solutions for your living needs, as well as for the protection of our community. In my short eight months as a part of the Trojan Family, I have been continuously moved by the care that members of our community show for one another. Now, more than ever, it is essential that we each do our part to keep our overall community as safe and healthy as possible.

I know you understand the importance of practicing social distancing and other healthy behaviors. It has, however, become clear to me that some of us are disregarding these guidelines by gathering in groups on and off campus, leaving isolation against requests to remain, and otherwise not complying with appropriate care during this crisis. While I fully understand that maintaining social distance and spending time apart can be difficult, your health and the health of our entire community depends on these measures. You must recognize the seriousness of this pandemic. Even if you are unconcerned for your personal health and safety, you must be concerned for others. I write today to remind you of our expectations for each member of this community.

In order to effectively help us protect the community, we need all residents to follow the social distancing guidelines below. Failure to do so endangers those around you and will not be tolerated.

-Use online applications or a phone to communicate with friends, classmates, instructors and relatives.

-Limit in-person interactions and always remain six feet away from others, even in shared spaces.

-Do not enter residence halls or apartments other than your assigned living space. Off-campus guests are not permitted to enter residence halls or apartments.

-Avoid ride-sharing with groups.

-If you are asked by health officials to self-isolate, you must comply. Leaving that isolation to engage with others endangers the community and will not be tolerated.

In addition, as this situation continues to rapidly evolve, you are responsible for staying informed by checking your email and phone messages throughout the day. I understand that checking email may not always be your preferred method of communication, but for now we need you to do so. Please be advised that any violation of the University’s Student Conduct Code, including the above guidelines, can and will result in disciplinary conduct proceedings.

As we have stated before, this is not the semester anyone had planned for you; but in these unprecedented times, we can keep moving forward by remaining connected while keeping safe physical distances. Our Student Affairs staff are working to provide you with as many ways as possible to stay involved in student life, and we invite you to visit the new Virtual Engagement website for virtual opportunities in fitness, gaming, mindfulness and more.

Please continue to send us your questions and comments at covid19@usc.edu or call the hotline at 213-740- 6291. If you or someone you know are exhibiting symptoms, please call USC Student Health 24/7 at 213- 740-9355 (WELL) for health services and care.

Thank you,
Winston B. Crisp
Vice President for Student Affairs