1/15: COVID-19 Pop Testing 3.0 Update

USC Student Health shares updates regarding COVID-19 testing and Trojan Check clearance.

1/8: IMPORTANT Spring Testing Program (Pop Testing 3.0) and Campus Access Updates

Sarah Van Orman, USC’s Chief Health Officer for USC Student Health, provides updates for students, faculty and non-medical employees regarding COVID-19 testing and campus access.

1/5: COVID-19 Vaccine Availability for the Campus Communities

Sarah Van Orman, USC’s Chief Health Officer for USC Student Health, shares updates regarding COVID-19 vaccine distribution.

12/31: Extended Safer at Home Order and Travel Quarantine, Los Angeles County

Los Angeles County extended the existing “Safer at Home” order and issued a new quarantine requirement for anyone traveling outside of LA County.

12/18: First COVID-19 Vaccines Administered to Frontline USC Hospital Personnel

Keck Medical Center of USC and USC Verdugo Hills Hospital have received their first shipments of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

12/14: Spring 2021 COVID-19 Screening Strategy Update

Sarah Van Orman, USC’s Chief Health Officer for USC Student Health, announces the university’s expanded COVID-19 testing capacity for Spring 2021.

12/3: COVID-19 Vaccine Update

Rod Hanners, Interim Chief Executive Officer of Keck Medicine of USC, will chair a COVID-19 vaccine working group that is principally engaged in developing an evidence-based strategy for the vaccination of USC staff, faculty, students, and patients.

Safer at Home Order (11/30-12/20) and Return from Holiday Activities

Please be advised that the Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Health has issued a Temporary Safer at Home Order beginning Monday, November 30. Given the current high rate of transmission of COVID-19 in LA County, coinciding with record levels of travel for the Thanksgiving holiday, we are advising all on-site campsus employees to test for COVID-19 prior to returning for on-site work in any on-campus facility.

11/20: Mandated Curfew for Los Angeles County

Sarah Van Orman, USC’s Chief Health Officer for USC Student Health, directs the USC community to follow the California Department of Public Health’s guidelines around the evening curfew, effective starting at 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 21.

11/18: Spring COVID-19 Safety Planning

Sarah Van Orman, USC’s Chief Health Officer for USC Student Health, and David Wright, Senior Vice President, Administration, share updates regarding the upcoming Spring 2021 semester.