6/22: USC Transportation Updates for July and Fall Semester

In recognition of the hardships COVID-19 has created and to assist essential staff working on campus, USC Transportation is extending free campus parking through July 31, 2020. We expect this to be the last extension, since the University plans to resume modified operations in August, as announced by President Folt on June 2nd.

Given the earlier start date, Fall student parking permits will be effective August 1-November 30. This accommodates the staggered USC Housing move-in schedule and the anticipated move-out period after Thanksgiving. The cost for a full-semester permit will remain the same as last year. Summer 2020 permits are not required since parking is free through July. Fall parking permits should be purchased for use starting August 1. Students with special requests should contact our office at auxtspad@usc.edu.

Faculty and staff monthly permit charges will renew effective August 1. Please monitor the USC Transportation COVID-19 updates page here for a process announcement in early July.

Please stay safe, and let us know if you have any questions.