4/13: Community Update Regarding EVK

April 13, 2020

Dear Everybody’s Kitchen Patron:

We are contacting you because we have recently received information about a confirmed case of COVID-19 from an EVK employee who worked in the Community Kitchen. The last date the individual worked a shift was April 7. Employees with possible exposure have been contacted and received instructions for self-monitoring. Patrons, who based on our records, visited the Community Kitchen on April 7, are being notified to reinforce awareness of the nature of community spread and the importance of the following health and safety practices. We also will post this reminder on the COVID-19 website.

Please know the Community Kitchen follows strict cleaning guidelines on a daily basis. Enhanced cleaning of the Community Kitchen was completed Sunday night.

Again, we want to reinforce the following practices for all employees and students: 

  • Use face coverings in all public areas of USC. 
  • Practice social distancing (six feet distance from others) for workplace and personal interactions.
  • Practice personal hand hygiene with frequent use of hand sanitizer and hand washing.  
  • Report all illnesses. If you develop symptoms – fever, runny nose, sore throat, coughing, difficulty breathing or mild diarrhea – please begin self-isolation and contact Student Health at 213-740-9355 to arrange for evaluation and testing. 
  • Stay at home if you are sick. Be sure to take care and seek medical attention as needed.

Information about community spread of COVID-19 is available in a memo posted on our COVID-19 website.

General questions also can be directed to the COVID-19 hotline at 213-740-6291 or emailed to covid19@usc.edu.

Dr. Sarah Van Orman                            Kris Klinger                   
Chief Health Officer                              Assistant Vice President
USC Student Health                             USC Auxiliary Services