COVID-19 Campus Notifications

Current link:

May 3, 2022—In keeping with the state and county’s revised definition of “close contact” (someone sharing the same indoor space for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period) the university is revising its COVID-19 notification practices. This change is needed to ensure compliance with the new definition. 

Beginning on Wednesday, May 4, all currently enrolled students and all university employees will receive a daily email message with an update on reported cases. A sample message is attached. The message contains a link to the daily report of cases, and instructions for individuals who believe that they have been in close contact with a positive individual. 

Read the full message of May 3, 2022.

Campus notifications are posted online; USC students, faculty, staff, and affiliates may view the general notifications of campus COVID-19 positive cases online (Google site*). PLEASE NOTE: You must be logged out of a personal Gmail account, and logged in to your USC account, in order to access this site. Use your primary USC NetID; school/unit-based subdomain accounts (“med,” “law,” “marshall,” etc.,) will cause you to see a 404 error.

* For instructions on how to log in to USC Google G-Suite apps using your USC NetID, visit the ITS instruction page.